William Miller, Colleague

H&R Block


I have worked with Ann since 2018, when she joined us to work as a Content Manager in our Learning Organization. At the time, our company intranet was undergoing a migration to a new platform, and we had just moved our training materials from paper books to a digital platform. There were others in our department and throughout H&R Block that touched these areas on a regular basis, but it was Ann, who had just joined the company, that immediately stood out.

She began working with our intranet team and quickly became known as a subject matter expert who guided our team and teams outside our organization through the transition, leading others through complete redesigns of their content to better communicate information to users. The intranet team often consulted with us on analytics and new initiatives, since learning content was a leader in engagement throughout the company, and Ann often pointed out different, more effective approaches to challenges.

Because I was managing the new digital platform that we had just launched, I worked with Ann on many projects designed to bring departments outside of Learning into our platform. It quickly became apparent that she would quickly grow and move up at H&R Block. I identified her as my primary candidate for my succession plan as an administrator and Project Manager for the platform. In time, her role changed, she became a Project Manager, and began finding her own path forward. She jumped into anything that was needed, from designing interactive eLearning content to creating curriculum in our Learning Management System.

Many people will tell you that they are lifetime learners, but Ann is the real thing. It’s not a casual endeavor. She's a voracious learner, eager to know not only information, but also to challenge her own thought patterns and world view. She doesn't just learn or integrate, she consolidates what she learns, clearing out what's not useful and rebuilding wherever necessary.

I had hoped to work with Ann for many years, but I have always known that she would be snatched up by a person or company who had the sense to understand exactly who she is. If you have the chance to hire her, you certainly shouldn't let that chance go by.


William Miller

Steve Wilton, Manager of Learning Technology team

H&R Block

To whom it may concern:

H&R Block employed Ann Millington as a Project Manager. In 2018, We were fortunate to hire her as a temporary associate to help transition our printed training content into a digital platform. She was instrumental in converting and uploading all learning resources to our intranet during our busy tax season. She was so successful at that project, we decided to hire her into a permanent role. Ann seamlessly worked with the entire department on projects and was a true delight to have on the team. Her insights and talents would be a valuable asset to any organization.

As a project manager, Ann successfully worked on many projects including:

•Maintained high-traffic intranet pages by updating content, maintaining links, and troubleshooting as needed.

•Inkling Administrator managing the training department’s eBook platform and handling access requests.

•Department intranet SME where she was recognized twice as "Friend of Content Management" by H&R Block’s intranet team for spearheading department content management, metadata strategy, and best practices.

•Took on many stretch projects including creating an elearning Lectora course and created curriculums in the Learning Management System (LMS).

• Did an extensive content audit of the LMS that was long overdue and curated content and retired old courses.

• DGM and potential student point of contact, and LMS data entry/learner profile creation for the Oregon virtual Income Tax Course Pilot.

• Assist creating knowledge-sharing assets using multiple delivery formats (mobile-learning platforms, PowerPoint, Lectora, Inkling, video, and other tools).

• Social media coordinator on the communication team for H&R Block’s Young Professionals Network.

If you would like additional information about Ann Millington as a Project Manager, please reach out to me at my contact information below.


Steve Wilton

Manager, Learning Technology

John Taylor, COO

Askinosie Chocolate

To Whom It May Concern:

I’m writing in strong support of Ann Millington, currently seeking a position within your company. In the year I worked with Ann at Askinosie Chocolate, I had the opportunity to observe first-hand her work ethic, her intrinsic motivation and her self-assured approach to direct sales for our company. I highly recommend her.

Askinosie Chocolate is a world-renowned, small-batch craft chocolate company located in Springfield, Missouri. We occupy a large footprint in the craft chocolate space; part of our success lies in our ability to achieve much with a small, focused, dedicated team. Ann’s role on this team was to provide sales assistance, which ranged from B2B customer development and service to general administrative tasks (including familiarity with backend website software and close engagement with Quickbooks). In the meantime, she also completed web development tasks for our outreach program, Chocolate University.

Ann spent considerable time on the phones with a variety of prospective and current customers. Each call posed unique challenges, and many of them required her to draw on a wide knowledge base that encompassed deep knowledge of our products, updated information about our inventories, a strategic understanding of our shipping policies, and, most of all, the company’s history with the customer. Once Ann was fully on board with this knowledge, she executed in her position with great facility and finesse, leading customers calmly and confidently from one successful sales engagement to the next.

One of the strongest factors contributing to Ann’s success is her sheer brainpower. She’s crazy sharp, and she devours new knowledge with ease. In any new context, with any software or new sales processes, Ann will find her comfort level quickly, and she will be generating value for the company soon after her on-boarding.

Our company demands much of our employees, just as we know our customers demand much in the product we make. Ann was a perfect fit in this environment, and we were sad to see her go (although also excited to see her graduate to her next exciting journey). Askinosie was a great first job immediately after college for her; I’m eager to see her progress moving forward. If her time with us is any good indication, that progress will be swift, and it will result in positive outcomes for whoever is lucky enough to have her.

Please contact me directly at jtaylor@askinosie.com with questions or for clarification. Best regards,

John Taylor
COO, Askinosie Chocolate